Sunday, December 27, 2009

U.S. Education Secretary Appoints University of Albany Provost Susan Phillips to National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan announced the appointment of University at Albany Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Susan Phillips to the newly constituted National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity (NACIQI).

While on the committee, Phillips will advise the Secretary on accreditation issues and the eligibility and certification process for institutions of higher education.

NACIQI advises the Secretary on accreditation issues and the eligibility and certification process for institutions of higher education. It is also charged with recommending to the Secretary the accrediting or state approval agencies that should be recognized as reliable authorities for judging the quality of postsecondary institutions and programs.

Governor David A. Paterson said, "The appointment of University at Albany Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Susan Phillips to the Department of Education's National Advisory Committee for Institutional Quality and Integrity speaks to the excellence of New York's higher education system. Dr. Phillips, with her dedication to teaching and learning, and commitment to maintaining that excellence, will be a strong asset to NACIQI, Secretary Duncan, our state and nation. ”

"Dr. Phillips embodies the experience, professionalism and integrity needed to successfully advocate for higher education in New York State and the nation," said SUNY Chancellor Nancy L. Zimpher, who nominated Phillips to the Secretary of Education. "Dr. Phillips has distinguished herself as a resourceful and purposeful leader with a deep understanding of the institutional and management dimensions of higher education."

"Dr. Phillips is especially well-qualified for an appointment to NACIQI," said U.S. Sen. Charles E. Schumer and Sen. Kirsten E. Gillibrand in endorsing Phillips. "Dr. Phillips is a nationally recognized scholar in vocational psychology and is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, where she chaired the Committee on Accreditation -- one of the largest accrediting agencies in the nation."

"We are proud of Susan Phillips, and honored by her appointment," said UAlbany President George M. Philip. "As she has demonstrated throughout her University at Albany career, Dr. Phillips will provide the leadership and commitment necessary to move NACIQI forward, broaden its vision, and help set strategic priorities for the future of higher education in the United States."

"This committee will play a vital role in ensuring the highest standards of accountability for accrediting agencies," Duncan said. "These agencies have the formidable task of assuring that schools participating in federal student aid programs provide a quality education to their students. These six new members bring varied expertise, talent, and experience to the committee, and their input will be invaluable as the department continues to improve these programs."

Phillips earned her bachelor's degree in human biology at Stanford University and doctorate in counseling psychology at Columbia University. An internationally recognized scholar in vocational psychology, her work has focused on decision-making and career development. She has also been instrumental in creating cross-disciplinary initiatives, including developing research capacity for university-community partnerships through the University at Albany's NIH-sponsored Center for the Elimination of Minority Health Disparities, and leading public-private partnerships designed to study best practice in schools.

Phillips joined the University at Albany faculty in 1979, and is a professor of counseling psychology. She is the recipient of the Holland Award for outstanding research in career and personality psychology, the State University of New York Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, and the Cooperative Leadership Award from the National School Development Council. A Fellow in the American Psychological Association, her work has appeared in the Journal of Counseling Psychology, the Journal of Vocational Behavior, and The Counseling Psychologist.

Phillips, active in promoting excellence in academic programs and professional practice, has led the American Psychological Association Committee on Accreditation - one of the largest accrediting agencies in the nation. She chairs the Joint Designation Committee of the National Register/American Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards and has served on the executive boards of the Greater Capital Region Teacher Center, the Hudson Mohawk Regional School Support Center, and the Capital Area School Development Association. She was also appointed by the New York Board of Regents to their policy advisory group, the Professional Standards and Practices Board for Teaching, in 2005, and continues to serve on this board. She is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, a licensed psychologist, and was named the 1998 Distinguished Psychologist by the Psychological Association of Northeastern New York.

Established in 1972, NACIQI was changed by the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) of 2008 (P.L. 110-315) from a 15-member committee appointed solely by the Secretary of Education to an 18-member committee appointed equally by the Secretary, the Senate, and the House of Representatives. The House and Senate are expected to complete their appointments soon and the newly formed committee will then meet shortly thereafter.

The Education Department’s six members, appointed for three-year terms, are:

Susan Phillips, provost and vice president for academic affairs, University at Albany, State University of New York;

Earl Lewis, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs, Emory University, Atlanta, Ga.;

Jamienne Studley, president and CEO, Public Advocates Inc., San Francisco, Calif.;
Aron Shimles, student, Occidental College, Los Angeles, Calif.;

Frank Wu, professor, Howard University Law School, Washington, D.C.; and ,

Frederico Zargoza, vice chancellor of economic and workforce development, Alamo Colleges, San Antonio, Tex.

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