Wednesday, September 30, 2009

UAlbany Community Day - Oct. 10 - Celebrates the University's Academic and Cultural Strengths

Community Day UAlbany Community Day on Oct. 10 celebrates the University's academic and cultural strengths. Enjoy presentations on the Battle of Saratoga, the NYS Writers Institute, and nanotechnology. Also featured: interactive student step and salsa dancing.

The University at Albany’s Career Services office will address the ways in which it connects regional employers with ideal candidates at an information booth during UAlbany’s Community Day, Oct. 10 from 10 a.m. — 2 p.m. UAlbany’s Career Services office provides resources to help regional businesses, organizations and government offices meet their staffing needs through internships, online-recruiting, career workshops and a host of other activities. Career Services has assisted more than 300 organizations both in the Capital Region and throughout the nation in finding qualified student interns and employees through a variety of resources designed for students, alumni and businesses.

The University’s Small Business Development Center (SBDC), part of the School of Business, will also be on-hand to supply information about its no-cost market research, financial analysis, counseling and training programs to help start and expand small businesses. In May, SBDC was named among the top ten centers in the nation by the U.S. Small Business Administration.

At Community Day, employers will learn how UAlbany student interns are boosting businesses, non-profit organizations of all kinds, and government agencies. Some students who are making a positive difference for organizations around the region will be on hand, while Career Services staff will educate employers on how to connect with interns to meet staffing needs through the Career Services Web site:

"With a knowledgeable and diverse student body, the University at Albany offers employers a skilled workforce suited to meet the needs of organizations in the 21st century," said J. Philippe Abraham, director of Career Services. "On Community Day, we look forward to providing insight into how Career Services assists businesses in connecting with ideal candidates through full- and part-time positions, as well as internships."

Career Services is committed to empowering students to transition into a diverse and global society by making educated and gratifying career decisions. The unit provides counseling, assessment and career information to UAlbany students and alumni. Career Services also provides resume, curriculum vitae and cover letter assistance, as well as mock phone and in-person interview sessions. The unit also provides local, regional and national job search resources, career workshops and panels. In addition, the University hosts a career expo organized by Career Services which brings more than 100 organizations to campus every spring to interact with skilled students and alumni

With the support of the U.S. Small Business Administration and the University at Albany, the UAlbany SBDC contributes to the local, regional, and state economies. The center is the state's leading provider of small business management and technical services. Since its inception in 1984, the UAlbany SBDC has provided business assistance to 17,263 entrepreneurs with 146,948 counseling hours, resulting in more than $224 million in economic investment and 8,586 created or saved jobs. In 2008, the economic investment of UAlbany SBDC clients exceeded $34 million.

UAlbany Community Day, which is open to the general public, is designed to showcase the University’s academic and cultural strengths. The Day — which runs from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. -- will boast faculty presentations on topics ranging from the historical significance of the Battle of Saratoga to nanotechnology; interactive student step dancing, salsa and belly dancing demonstrations; a farmer’s market; a bomb-sniffing dog and sheepherding exhibitions; and a faculty meet and greet.

UAlbany Community Day is part of the University’s Homecoming/Family and Reunion Weekend, which features an alumni luncheon honoring activist Harvey Milk, ’51, a speech by former Secretary of State Colin Powell and a lecture by Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman. For more information, visit

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