Monday, June 22, 2009

University of Albany´s College of Nanoscale Science And Engineering To Ofer B.S. In Nanoscale Science

SUNY Chancellor Nancy Zimpher (pictured) announced today that the state has approved a new bachelor’s degree offering in nanoscale science at the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering in Albany.

Up until now, the college, which was founded in 2004, only offered master’s and doctoral degrees.

The NanoCollege also announced that it has raised a $10 million endowment for fellowships and scholarships that will pay tuition and other expenses for students.

One of the donors was G. Thomas Selfridge, president of Albany Valve & Fitting Co. In an interview after the one-hour ceremony, he declined to say how much his contribution was. Another donor was a former student of NanoCollege CEO Alain Kaloyeros who is now a successful businessman in Taiwan.

Kaloyeros said the school will begin offering some undergrad courses in the fall, although the program will begin in earnest in the spring of 2010. He expects an initial class of 25, with a “couple hundred” within three to four years.

The state Education Department approved the program on May 15.

The NanoCollege has 52 professors and 130 enrolled graduate students.

Zimpher, who became chancellor June 1, made the announcement as part of her pledge to tour all SUNY campuses this summer.

She was also given the first B.S. in nanoscale science from the college. Officials said it was the first of its kind in the world.

by Larry Rulison

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