Thursday, May 14, 2009

UAlbany Council and Search Committee Recommend George Philip to be Permanent President

The University at Albany Council and the Presidential Search Committee have unanimously recommended to SUNY Chancellor-Elect Nancy L. Zimpher that George M. Philip be the 18th president of the University at Albany. Currently, Philip is the UAlbany Interim President.

“As Interim President, George has demonstrated exemplary leadership in advancing the University’s academic and research mission while showing a deep interest in our students and their success,” said Daniel Tomson, member of the University at Albany Council and Chair of the Presidential Search Committee. “For this reason, we knew it was necessary to convince George to stay on and lead the campus. The Search Committee and the University Council are enthusiastically and unanimously recommending to Chancellor-Elect Nancy Zimpher that George Philip be the next President of the University at Albany. We are confident that, under his leadership, the institution will achieve its aspirations to ascend in the ranks of the nation’s top research universities.”

“Convincing George to remain at UAlbany and lead the campus into the future is clearly best for students, faculty, staff and the entire campus community, as well as SUNY as a whole,” said Chancellor-Elect Zimpher. “This selection was made following careful and thorough review of many fine candidates and in light of George’s superb leadership and outstanding accomplishments at UAlbany.”

Chancellor-Elect Zimpher continued, “After consultation with the University Council and in-depth conversations with George Philip, I am delighted to recommend to the SUNY Board of Trustees that he become the next president of the University at Albany.”

Prior to Chancellor-Elect Zimpher’s recommendation to the SUNY Board of Trustees, SUNY System Administration requested that the University Council review the status of the search and make any appropriate recommendations. The University Council requested permission from SUNY System Administration for the Search Committee to consider Philip for the position of president.

The Search Committee and University Council subsequently held a joint meeting to discuss the search and consider Philip for the position of President. As a result, the Committee and Council unanimously agreed to pursue him for the job. The University Council has now unanimously recommended to Chancellor-Elect Zimpher that George M. Philip become the 18th President of UAlbany.

After extensive discussion with the Chancellor-Elect, Council Chair Tomson and SUNY Vice Chancellor and Officer-in-Charge John J. O’Connor, Philip has agreed to have his name forwarded to the SUNY Board of Trustees for consideration.

Chancellor-Elect Zimpher said she is asking the SUNY Board of Trustees to convene a meeting in the very near future to formally appoint George Philip.

Alain E. Kaloyeros, Ph.D., Senior Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering said “The appointment of George Philip as UAlbany President is great news for SUNY and the University, particularly given his proactive leadership, extensive experience, demonstrated advocacy, and intimate knowledge of UAlbany and its various stakeholders and constituents. I congratulate Chancellor Nancy Zimpher, Search Committee Chair Daniel Tomson, the University Council, and the Search Committee for their unanimous selection and, more importantly, their success at convincing him to take on the helm of this great institution at a time of deep challenges and great opportunities. I look forward to a great partnership with President Philip to advance the educational, research, and economic innovation agendas of UAlbany, the NanoCollege, and SUNY to best serve New York State and its citizens.”

“I am delighted that George Philip is being recommended to Chancellor-Elect Zimpher to serve as the University at Albany’s next president,” said Distinguished Teaching Professor John W. Delano who chairs the University Senate. “His strenuous dedication to our campus and personal candor with the Senate and members of the Senate Executive Committee has been exemplary. As a result he has built a relationship of mutual respect between the administration and faculty governance which will serve the institution well in advancing its goals.”

“As a student leader, I have experienced, first-hand, George Philip¹s unwavering commitment to student success,² said Brian Tregerman, student representative on the University Council and former president of the UAlbany Student Association. ³The students of the University at Albany are the true

beneficiaries of this recommendation. His openness and accessibility shows
he always has the students¹ best interest in mind.”
Commenting on the Council’s decision, George Philip said, “I was honored when Chancellor-Elect Zimpher contacted me about continuing my service at my alma mater as its president. Over the past 44 years, I have seen UAlbany transform into a world class research university. I can think of no greater privilege or reward than continuing my work with UAlbany’s outstanding students, faculty, researchers and staff with the common goal of advancing its reputation as one of the best in the nation. I thank the search committee and the University Council for the confidence they have in me and look forward to meeting with the SUNY Board of Trustees as they consider Chancellor-Elect Zimpher’s recommendation.

About George M. Philip
George M. Philip was appointed interim president of the University at Albany in November 2007. During his tenure, the University has realized a record level of research funding of $392 million. For the first time in University history, undergraduate and graduate student enrollment exceeded 18,000 students. Fourteen of the University’s graduate programs were ranked in the Top 25 according to U.S. News & World Report. The University had one of its most successful SUNY capital advocacy efforts ever, resulting in support for a new School of Business building, campus center expansion and vital critical maintenance.

Philip is also leading the University through its decennial accreditation process with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE). He continues to steer the campus through one of the most challenging budget environments the University has experienced. Recognized for his concern and affection for students, Philip is highly regarded across the campus community by the student body, faculty, staff, and alumni.

Prior to serving as UAlbany’s interim president, Philip was the executive director of the New York State Teachers’ Retirement System (NYSTRS), since 1995 and its chief investment officer since 1992. NYSTRS is one of the 10 largest public retirement funds in the nation.

As a UAlbany alumnus, Philip has been active in SUNY and UAlbany governance, serving as chair of the University Council from 1996-2007.

Educationally and culturally, the University at Albany-SUNY puts "The World Within Reach" for its 18,000 students. An internationally recognized research university with 56 undergraduate majors and 128 graduate degree programs, UAlbany is a leader among all New York State colleges and universities in such diverse fields as public policy, nanotechnology and criminal justice. With a curriculum enhanced by 300 study-abroad opportunities, UAlbany launches great careers. For more information about this globally ranked University, visit For UAlbany's extensive roster of faculty experts, visit

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