Thursday, January 15, 2009

Question - Answer Session With Brett Gifford

Courtesy: America East Communications

Brett Gifford

Hometown: Columbia, MO
High School Rock Bridge HS
Class: Junior
Major Business: Administration
Favorite Musical Group/Artist Lupe Fiasco

Three Things I Can’t Live Without:
1. Friends 2. Family 3. Food

Q. Why I Chose University Albany:
A- I chose to come to the University at Albany because of the family atmosphere of the program. It was great to see that the team got an incredible amount of support from the coaches, the administration, the faculty and the community. I also chose to go to school here because we have an opportunity to win an America East Championship every year and go to the NCAA Tournament.

Q. Favorite class and why:
A- My favorite class was History of Europe 1914-1945 because I enjoy history and it was a very interesting class. It was great to learn about an important time in our history. Also, the teacher was really cool. He did a good job of capturing that time in history.

Q. One thing I have learned at UAlbany that I will carry with me for the rest of my life is:
A- One thing I have learned at UAlbany that I will carry with me for the rest of my life is to not take people for granted. Like I said earlier, my team is like a second family so it is important to treat those people with respect and dignity.

Q. My Dream Job, other than the NBA/WNBA, is:
A- My dream job other than the NBA is to be a Hollywood actor. Given that I am the face of UAlbany Athletics, I feel that I am well on my way.

Q. The person, other than my parents, who has had the most influence on me is, and why:
A- The people, other than my parents, who has had the most influence on my have to be my friends because I am always around them. Although we may not notice it, we all influence each other in many different ways simply based on the fact that we spend a lot of time together.

Q. The best thing about being an Albany Great Dane is:
A- The best thing about being an Albany Great Dane is having a chance to win an America East Championship every year. It’s great to be on a team that works well and plays hard together.

Q. Most memorable moment as an athlete:
A- My most memorable moment as an athlete is winning the 2007 America East Championship and going on to play in the NCAA Tournament. It was an experience that I will never forget.

Q. What I did this week as a student (classes, tests, projects, study hall):
A- Since it is winter break, this week as a student I didn’t have any responsibilities. I should be getting ready for the upcoming semester though – gathering my books, looking at my syllabi, and preparing myself for another tough academic semester.

Q. What I did this week as an athlete (practice, games):
A- This week as an athlete I practiced quite a bit and travelled to Vermont to play our second America East Conference game.

Q. Based upon my experiences growing up, my advice for young kids about school and athletics is:
A- Based upon my experiences growing up, my advice for young kids about school and athletics is to do what you love and not what people tell you or expect you to do. It is important to take care of your academics before your athletics because without one you can’t be successful at the other. School has helped me to become a better basketball player through hard work and discipline.

Q. Why I am looking forward to the America East Basketball Championship:
A- I am looking forward to the America East Basketball Championship because it’s another opportunity to get to the NCAA Tournament. I am really looking forward to winning and becoming the face of the America East Conference.

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