Thursday, December 18, 2008

Princeton Review Ranks UAlbany Business MBA Program #9 in the United States

UAlbany's Business MBA Program has been ranked #9 in the USA by the Princeton Review for providing the “Greatest Opportunity for Women.” UAlbany is the only SUNY school to appear on any of Princeton Review’s top ten lists. This is a tribute to our outstanding faculty and staff, who offer an excellent program and a strongly supportive environment for female MBA students.

We have outstanding senior female faculty members and department chairs (Professor Ingrid Fisher-Chair of the Department of Accounting, Professor InduShobha Chengalur-Smith-Chair of the Department of Information Technology and Management, Professor Rita Biswas, who just stepped down as Chair of Department of Finance, and Professor Cecilia McHugh Falbe, who has served as Chair of the Department of Management, and senior faculty members (e.g., Professor Lakshmi Mohan, who has sponsored numerous field projects for MBA students, Professor Janet Marler, a leading researcher on strategic human resource management, Professor Wei Zhang, an expert on financial and managerial accounting), and others throughout the years.

Outstanding MBA alumnae include Pat Caldwell, a leading expert on distressed companies and a partner at the Gordian Group LP, Kimberly Welsh, a Managing Director at Morgan Stanley, and Meg Picotte MacClarence, a trustee and Director of the Equinox Foundation.

Kudos to Melissa Palmucci-Director of Campus MBA Programs, Linda Krzykowski-Vice Dean for Administration (an MBA graduate), Zina Lawrence-Director of Graduate Student Services, Sally Mills, and Scott Schwinning for managing our MBA programs effectively.

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