Wednesday, October 29, 2008

UAlbany Announces Scholarship Fund to Remember Senior Richard Bailey

In the wake of the tragic death of 22-year-old senior Richard Bailey, UAlbany student leaders will create an endowed scholarship in memory of their fellow student. The Richard Bailey Memorial Fund will be the focus of the 2009 Class Gift, targeting a goal of raising $25,000.
"Richard will always be a member of the University community," said Interim President George M. Philip, who has personally pledged a contribution to the fund. "This scholarship will ensure that Richard will be remembered by many generations of UAlbany students."

"Establishing the fund is an amazing gesture by the students of the senior class, who have lost one of their own," said Vice President for University Development Fardin Sanai, who has also pledged a contribution. "This is one more way for the University community to come together to honor Richard's life."

"UAlbany students are deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Richard," said Student Association President Dan Truchan. "We hope the establishment of this scholarship will keep Richard's memory alive on our campus."

Bailey, a sociology major and criminal justice minor from Wantagh, N.Y., was scheduled to graduate in December. He will be awarded a bachelor's degree posthumously at a future commencement ceremony.

In Bailey's memory, the University hosted a candlelight service outside of the Campus Center, which was attended by hundreds of students, faculty, staff and administrators. There was also a moment of silence during UAlbany's homecoming football game.

To contribute to The Richard Bailey Memorial Scholarship, contact Valerie DiRocco Ruskin, The University at Albany Foundation, at (518) 437-5090. Contributions may also be mailed to:

Richard Bailey Memorial Fund
c/o University at Albany Foundation
1400 Washington Avenue
UAB 226
Albany, NY 12222

Checks should be made payable to The University at Albany Foundation.

Contact(s): Catherine Herman (518) 956-8150

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