Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Continually Voice Your Support for Equal Funding Among SUNY University Centers

The question that the University of Albany, UAlbany alumni, the Capital District, and the City of Albany should be asking: How long will we tolerate the disproportionate funding among the SUNY University Centers by the state legislators? There is quite a bit of unfair play and manipulation going on in the SUNY system and the state government, and it needs to stop.

There was major concern reviewing the governor’s State of the State Address, and his Speech concerning SUNY future. The disgraced ex-governor Spitzer formed the commission on higher education. He and his commission were pushing for the creation of two flagship universities in the SUNY system, but the University of Albany was not one of them. Instead of favoring university centers based on merit, the ex-governor was targeting Buffalo and Stony Brook because of their need for economic and community revitalization.

The commission's responsibility and purpose was to research SUNY's current position and to recommend how New York’s State University System can improve and become more nationally competitive. Conveniently, SUNY Buffalo and SUNY Stony Brook both had their University Presidents on this commission. Due to this unfair and manipulative representation, the other university centers were neglected. These university presidents, presiding on the commission, persuaded the group to single out their universities by suggesting they become flagships of SUNY. Fortunately, Governor Spitzer humiliatingly resigned and his obsession is no longer in play. But, the university centers are not funded proportionately, and things need to change.

Due to the current absence of a University President, the University of Albany is not being represented in key negotiations throughout the State process. UAlbany was certainly not represented during the commission’s review of SUNY. UAlbany was certainly not represented when omitted from flagship status recommendations. Representation is vital to our uiversity throughout the state process. It has been almost two years since our university has had a president, since the untimely death of Kermit Hall. The other SUNY University centers are taking advantage of our predicament.

Flagship status means huge investment into the ‘flagship’ schools. Unfortunately, funding is enormously disproportionate to these schools. Little investment and attention is given to other campuses. Being excluded from flagship designation means a loss and reduction of billions and billions of dollars in funding. This funding affects every aspect of a university, including educational and athletic facilities.

Regardless of flagship status or not, the University of Albany is not receiving proportionate funding as other university centers. Students, alumni, and capital district residents need to fight for their university and equal state funding.


Facility upgrades is a necessity when a University or a University system wants to compete on the National level. The University of Albany has been contemplating a new multi-purpose athletic stadium for the past few years, especially after claiming several NEC Championships the past few years. Finally, the university was prepared to include the stadium funding in this year's UAlbany budget request. The SUNY Board of Directors already approved the request. It was passed on to Governor Spitzer, along with the entire SUNY request.

The governor turned its back on the University of Albany. He excluded the stadium funding in his budget proposal, which has been passed on to the State legislature. The assembly saw the importance of improving facilities at the UAlbany campus, and saw the benefits it would have on the community and the State University System. Unfortunately, none of our State Senators would support the University’s request for stadium funding, and the hope for funding fizzled away quietly. And ultimately, the funding was never put in the budget that was passed.

After speaking with someone in the NY Budget Office, it seems having a champion in the NYS Senate and having someone sitting on the higher education committee really goes a long, long way in getting excessive amounts of funding for a particular university.

Stony Brook seems to undeservedly reap the rewards from the manipulation of Ken LaValle, a Stony Brook alumnus, and chairman of NY State Senate’s committee of higher education. He seems to keep Stony Brook under his wing, and manipulates negotiates to get as many extra dollars for his former university, whenever the opportunity arises.

Although Stony Brook was funded 20 million dollars for its football stadium earlier this decade, he was able to throw the University another 10 million dollars to upgrade this stadium. These funds were granted in this year’s budget.

Not only did they receive funds for the stadium expansion, they also receive funds in the amount of 10 million dollars to upgrade its basketball arena. This was a direct result of Ken LaValle’s insistence to funnel funds only to Stony Brook, which seems to be a manipulation of his power in the Senate’s committee of higher education.

The governor even proposed to give them both over 100 million more than the University of Albany in athletic department funding. UAlbany plays in Division I FCS football but has a high school quality field, with rusted metal and wooden bleachers. The field only seats a couple thousand spectators, offering horrible views at best. UAlbany even hosts the NFL's New York Giants training camp during each summer.

If SUNY is to gain more national recognition, which is important for everyone in the State of NY, the university centers need their facilities to mirror the success and quality of its programs. UAlbany is the most successful in terms of athletics, winning 27 conference championships and earning 13 NCAA tournament appearances in only 8 years of Division I competition. The University needs a stadium, period.


The flagship label is not just a frivolous title. A flagship campus is by definition the best. Flagship universities are the showcase universities of that specific state university system. The flagship campuses gain national recognition, and all others wither into mediocrity.

By design, the flagship campus or campuses are the largest within any given state university system. These flagship universities are the best funded. Disproportionate spending on flagship campuses, including massive spending on educational and athletic facilities, and higher quality and more numerous professors, is the norm. This flagship status is permanent and the universities labeled as ‘flagship’ always become the most prestigious of the entire system. Universities which fail to acquire flagship status become second class, and suffer in many ways.

There is much more at stake here than the future of UAlbany. If the University does not acquire the flagship status, and others do, the Capital District would would suffer a significant economic loss. This loss will be in the form of millions, if not billions of dollars, over the decade. Funding decreases immediately. This Flagship status is permanent and therefore the funding loss happens perpetually. In the long run, this means the loss of thousands of jobs in Albany and the Capital District, when enrollment numbers take a nose dive, and services are not needed anymore. Small businesses catering to the University student body will not survive.


In this year’s NY State budget, SUNY Buffalo and Stony Brook are receiving much, much more than Albany and Binghamton.

Total university center budget allocations:
Passed Budget Bill - http://assembly.state.ny.us/leg/?bn=A09803&sh=t
Pages 740's - 800

Albany: Campus-wide critical maintenance: 33,755,000
Binghamton: Campus-wide critical maintenance 32,568,000
Buffalo: Campus-wide critical maintenance projects: 64,027,000
Stony Brook: Campus-wide critical maintenance projects: 72,893,000

Construct Business School: 54,000,000
Campus Center Expansion:30,000,000
Campus Revitalization: 5,000,000
Total: 89,000,000

Law School: 3,000,000
Center for Excellence: 15,000,000
New Athletics Fields: 5,000,000
Upgrade to Events Center: 1,000,000
Total: 24,000,000

Buffalo University
UB Gateway: 32,000,000
Clinical Research Facility: 100,000,000
UB Gateway, Phase IV ............ 6,000,000
Total: 138,000,000

Stony Brook
Student Recreation Center:18,000,000
Computer ScienceBuilding: 40,800,000
Monorail Feasibility Study: 5,000,000
Southampton-Student Center:.7,500,000
Marine Science Bldg: 6,900,000
LI State Veteran`s Home: 5,000,000
Center of Excellence: 2,000,000
CPEP Unit: 3,000,000
Planning of Law School: 250,000
Stadium Expansion: 2,700,000
Stony Brook Law School Project: 45,000,000
University/Basketball Arena: 12,300,000
Total: 148, 450,000


Medical Research Facility: 42,000,000

Stony Brook
Intensive Care Building Design and Construction
Hospital Rehabilitation : 150,000,000

Campus-wide critical maintenance projects: 5,988,000
Campus-wide critical maintenance projects: 5,766,000
Buffalo University
Campus-wide critical maintenance projects:11,004,000
Stony Brook
Southampton Campus Renovations:.20,800,000 and
LI Veterans Home: 1,000,000 and
Campus-wide critical maintenance projects: 13,267,000 =
Stony Brook Total: 35,067,000

Albany - Campus Revitalization Project .... 25,000,000
Binghamton - Engineering Science Research: 60,000,000
Buffalo University - School of Engineering: 24,600,000
Stony Brook
Southampton Renovations: 10,000,000
Stadium: 3,000,000
Gyrodene – Upgrade: 6,000,000
Basketball Arena: 8,000,000
Cellular Therapy Facility: 400,000
Stony Brook Total: 27,000,000

Albany: Power Substation: 5,000,000
Buffalo University: Pharmacy School: 27,000,000

Cancer Center: 25,000,000
University at Buffalo
School of Engineering: 25,000,000
Nanotech Center: 6,000,000
Athletic Fields: 5,000,000
Downtown Campus: 4,000,000

Stony Brook
Student Recreation Center: 19,500,000
Athletic Department: 1,500,000
Computational {Neuroscience Building}: 22,200,000
Cancer Center: 5,000,000
Southampton Acquisition: 35,000,000
Stonybrook HSC
Cancer Center: 23,000,000
Stony Brook Total: 123,600,000

Stony Brook: Energy research center – urban investment: 10,000,000

Advance for alterations and improvements

Albany ...... 78,849,000
Binghamton ...... 120,689,000
Buffalo ...... 178, 214,000
Stony Brook ...... 172,258,000

It is obvious that certain lawmakers implanted in the New York State government, sitting on key higher educational seats, are funneling disproportionate, excessive amounts of funding to only two university centers.


Governor Spitzer had the intention of bringing the SUNY University system to levels competitive among the world leaders. SUNY’s first class research is going to be the center piece in this endeavor. Why would there be a question on whether or not to include the University of Albany as a flagship? UAlbany is a powerhouse of research initiatives.

The University of Albany’s College of Nanoscale Science and Technology and Gen*NY*Sis Center for Excellence in Cancer Genomics are only two of the University’s world class research centers. The Cancer center is considered among the top in the nation. The Nanoscale Center is considered the top in the World. Among those topnotch research centers at the University of Albany are: The Center for Neuroscience Research, The Atmospheric Sciences Research Center, and The Northeast Regional Forensic Institute.

UAlbany's College of Nanoscale Science and Technology is the first in the world dedicated to research, development, education, and deployment in nanoscience, nanoengineering, nanobioscience, and nanoeconomics. The NanoTech Complex - a $4.2 billion, 450,000-square-foot Megacomplex that has attracted over 250 global corporate partners - is the most advanced research complex of its kind at any university in the world.

UAlbany's Gen*NY*Sis Center for Excellence in Cancer Genomics, located in a $45 million facility, is committed to research that will discover the genetic origins of cancer and lead to finding a cure for the disease.

To view the dozens of other top research initiatives at the University of Albany,
Please visit: http://www.albany.edu/research/CentersInstitutesLabs.htm


Cornell.........648 million
Columbia.......541 million
Rochester......366 million
UBuffalo.......297 million *
NYU............284 million
UAlbany........274 million *
Mount Sinai....273 million
UStonyBrook...234 million *
Rockefeller....215 million
Yeshiva........189 million
RPI..............70 million
Syracuse........36 million
UBinghamton....29 million *

* SUNY Universtiy Centers

Albany is the capital of New York State.
Albany is home to the New York State government.
Albany is also home to the University of Albany, establish in 1844.

It is quite obvious that the two leaders in the SUNY University system are the Universtiy of Albany and the University of Buffalo. If there were only two Universities within the State University of New York system that should be granted flagship status, these would be the two.

There has been too much invested already, and the research bases are solid and strong in all four centers. In a sense, SUNY already declared all four centers as flagships of NY's State University system, when they were declared University Centers years ago.

The solution that makes sense is to equally fund these university centers in all sectors: academics, facilities, athletics, etc. This is how to make SUNY stand out among the national leaders in higher education, to have four powerhouse Universities leading the Nation.


The University of Albany is well positioned to be the leader of SUNY. UAlbany has become one of the top universities in the nation, with outstanding programs throughout. This is evident through the following national rankings.

#1 Nanoscience and Engineering - ahead of Cornell (#2), Michigan-Ann Arbor ((#3), Rice (#4), University of Pennsylvania (#5).
#2 Criminal Justice - (US News 2006)
#3 Africana Studies - (Black Issues in Higher Education July 2004)
#4 Information Technology and Management - (US News 2006)
#5 Social Welfare - (Academic Analytics 2006)
#6 Public Administration and Management - (US News 2006)
#7 Educational Administration - (Academic Analytics 2006)
#9 Public Finance and Budgeting - (US News 2006)
#10 Public Policy - (US News 2005)
#13 Educational and Counseling Psychology - (US News 2006)
#15 Library Science - (US News 2006)
#25 Public Policy Analysis - (US News 2006)
#25 Sociology - (US News 2006)

Atmospheric Sciences: ranked in the first quartile of NSF rankings in total federal R&D expenditures.

Chronicles of Higher Education ranks the doctoral programs in criminal justice, educational administration, and social welfare in their "Top 10" list nationally in their respective disciplines.

When medical schools are excluded from NSF funded research national rankings, the University of Albany is ranked 38th nationally. The University ranks 77th nationally in NSF funded research, behind Carnegie Mellon 76th when medical school funding is included when ranking the universities.

A recent ranking of the world's universities by the Institute of Higher Education: Shanghai Jaio Tong University Shanghai, China, which is a participant in the International Expert Group Created to Improve Higher Education Rankings, ranked University of Albany 89th in the nation.

According to The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, it is a Public Ivy.
Rankings-Courtesy: WKPD




UAlbany Interim President George M. Philip

UAlbany Interim Provost Susan D. Phillips

Governor Patterson:

Assemblyman Ron Canestrari:

Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver:

Assembly Minority Leader James Tedisco:
tediscj@ assembly.state.ny.us

Assemblyman John McEneny

NYS Senator Hugh Farley

NYS Senator Neil Breslin

NYS Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno:

NYS Senate Minority Leader Malcom Smith:

City of Albany: Mayor Jennings

President of The University of the State of New York (USNY) and Commissioner of Education: Richard P. Mills

Interim SUNY Chancellor: Dr. John B. Clark

NYS Commission on Higher Education

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