Sunday, April 20, 2008

Times Union Prints A Letter From UAlbany Stadium Supporter

Stony Brook grows; why not UAlbany?

Stony Brook University has just announced a $20 million renovation project for its indoor sports facility. I am waiting for the moral outrage from Times Union contributors and citizens of the Capital Region -- or is it just when UAlbany wants to expand?

Stony Brook just got a brand new football/lacrosse stadium and no one has a problem with this? UAlbany has brought much exposure to the university and the system by excelling on the field of play and in the classroom. Stony Brook has had only a modicum of success compared to Albany. It's time for the community and the legislators of this great state to get behind UAlbany in this project and make Stony Brook go through some red tape for once.


Rocky Hill, Conn.

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